• Investing in a Company or Fund that trades online is an activity that lends itself well to an Offshore Corporate Structuring plan.

    How it works is:

    (a)  You incorporate a tax free Offshore Company (“OC”)

    (b)  You structure the Company in such a way as to ensure that the Company is seen to be managed and controlled from Offshore; This can/will be achieved by via deployment of a tax haven based Nominee Director (which is a service that OCI can/will provide)

    (c)   Your OC either signs a general investment agreement with the Fund Company or subscribes for shares in the Fund Company

    (d)  You advance funds to your OC

    (e)  The OC then advances funds to the Fund Company (see below “How to move money offshore” which explains your options in that regard)

    (f)    The Fund Company invests/trades your money

    (g)  The Fund Company pays a return periodically to your OC (e.g. monthly or quarterly or 6 monthly or yearly).

    (h)  Returns paid to your OC can be banked and or reinvested Offshore potentially free from tax

    How to move Money Offshore

    Depending on your individual situation there are several ways you might achieve this aim:

    ·         You could set up a dual structure (i.e. an Offshore Company the shares of which are held by an Offshore Private Foundation). You would set up the Foundation in such a way so that appears to be a Charitable Foundation and then make regular donations to the Foundation (which would then transfer that money to the IBC e.g. as share capital).

    ·         Set up 2 International Business Companies Offshore (i.e. “IBCs”). The first IBC you would enter into a speculative (e.g. high risk/potentially high return) general (long term) investment with. This IBC would then invest money with your trading IBC. The investment with the first IBC could be structured in such a way as to ensure that you won’t be paid a return on that investment for quite a while. If the IRS ever asks meantime whatever happened to the money you would just tell them I’m not yet entitled to a return.

    ·         Convert your local money into bitcoins. Transfer ownership of the bitcoins to the IBC. Have the IBC convert the bitcoins into hard currency which the IBC would then use to invest in whatever.

    ·         Engage a lawyer to DD on the Offshore Company or Foundation you intend to send money to. Whilst he’s making inquiries to confirm that the entity exists etc., (as you might do prior to a real estate purchase) you park the money you intend to invest in the Lawyer’s Trust/Client/Escrow Account. Once he’s completed his inquiries you instruct the Lawyer to send the funds from his Trust/Client/Escrow account to the Offshore Company or Foundation’s Bank Account

    ·         “Gift” the money to a family member (or close friend) overseas and then have that family member transfer the money to your Offshore Company

    ·         If you are holding funds in your own name you could set up a personal account Offshore and then transfer the money from your Onshore bank account to your Offshore Bank Account. Same could be done in the case of funds being held in a Company account onshore (i.e. you set up an Offshore Privacy Haven Account in the name of your local Company and have funds transferred from the Company’s Onshore account to your Company’s Offshore account). If you open the account in the right place onshore predators will really struggle to find out where the money went once it landed offshore.

    ·         You could set up your IBC as an Investment Company and enter into an arms’ length general investment agreement (or loan agreement) with the IBC on commercial terms. Provided the IBC is incorporated in a Privacy Haven (and in a country which does not have a TIEA with your home country) no one should ever know that you actually own the IBC.

    ·         You could withdraw your money from the bank in cash, use that cash to buy something of great value which is easily transportable (e.g. jewelry, gemstones, watches, an artwork/s, collectibles etc.) fly overseas with these items (ideally to the country where your Offshore Company has its bank account), sell them to a broker or privately whilst abroad and then deposit that money into your Offshore Company’s Bank Account.

    ·         If you are an online trader (e.g. Forex/Commodities/Derivatives/Share Trader) you could open a Brokerage Account in your own name, transfer funds to your personal brokerage account, then open a Brokerage Account (with the same broker) in the name of your Offshore Company and move monies (as an internal transfer, i.e. beyond the view of “onshore” authorities) from your personal Brokerage account to the Company’s Brokerage account.

    Local laws can have an impact. Hence it would be wise to seek local tax/legal advice before committing to embark on such an endeavor.

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  • The birth and growth of the baby-boomers generation marked the era in human history when people experienced many innovative technological advancements – thanks to the Industrial Revolution -- throughout the world, many of which upturned values, lifestyles and relationships at many levels. One of the most important effects of this development is the gradual bridging of longstanding social and cultural gaps existing within nations with diverse ethnic and religious beliefs.

    Today, the world has become one global community poised to achieve an even more consolidated linking not just of values and economic pursuits but also of such simple and mundane pursuits and interests as personal consumption, whether we talk of food, clothing, entertainment, sports, arts and culture, health rejuvenation and modern gadgetry. And where do we find practically all these amenities or goods within one specific place? The mall, of course!

    Whereas most of these things were previously found only separately and even far from one another (a movie house had its own building, different from that of a restaurant, a department store or a book store. Today, even office buildings have fast-food outlets, variety stores and boutique shops in them. But the mall has ‘‘got it all”, as one popular Asian mall expressly brags in its ad jingle. It is a virtual one-stop shop. A be-all and end-all in property development and operations. Anyone that has any particular enterprise in mind, no matter how big or small, can find no better place to locate its products or operations than inside the mall.

    The amount of capital put into the development and construction of a mall limits the number of individuals or companies that can get involved and maintain a degree of success. Nevertheless, the few that have stood the test of time, whether the giants or the small operators, may owe their durability less to their business abilities than to the need that had been developed for the mall concept. Whereas the village market or the eventual city market actually started the basic concept, it was the integration of such diversified enterprises into one clean, accessible, convenient and unified shopping center that brought about the obviously consuming or addicting habit of visiting a place where one can accomplish many things without having to leave for a couple of hours or even a whole day.

    And so, when families celebrate an event, instead of doing it at home where they can cook and entertain guests, they opt to go to the mall where they do not have to worry with the menu and the dishes. Although watching a movie is now done more at home, an occasional night at the mall theater can bring families and friends together for an enjoyable bonding time along with a stopover at the next-door pizza place and, perhaps, a side trip to a coffee shop and a book store.

    The city brought a lot of changes in human living conditions, but the mall brought a lot of conveniences to city living. It is a refinement that many have learned to appreciate and enjoy, even if it has taken people far and far away from nature’s original setting. However, thanks to some environmentally-friendly mall developers, nature has taken a respectable comeback within this symbol of modern innovation through indoor gardens or terraced nature spots at mall centers. Some things we can change as we please; others we cannot do without if we wish to survive.

    Bell Moore Group Inc. understands the shifting values and needs of people in the modern world. It keeps abreast in these developments in order to serve the needs of companies in the business world.



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  • You can fully grasp the idea behind art once you decided to buy art for your home, and the process of choosing beautiful pieces for decorating a particular space is truly exciting. Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants suggests searching for special and unique art that could differentiate your personal space from other people.

    An expert even said that art has an energy and elegance to it. You can point out at least one or more original art on the walls of many sophisticated and decorated spaces on top interior design magazines. Art can indeed bring that additional “magic” to a room.

    Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants recommends beginning your search of a good and original art in your local area. This way, you can also save some cash because acquiring original art by local young artists is affordable. Simply put your creativeness into it to add more personal touch. You should express yourself to the design of your interior where it should be filled with objects and artworks that you personally love and appreciate.

    Here are Devin Fitzpatrick Art Consultants’ simple tips to putting art for your home:

    Put some frame

    In order to give your art a much better appearance and make it look expensive, consider framing it. Even with an inexpensive frame, there’s a guarantee that there will be a good difference to the art.

    Consider the tone and scale

    You can also do an experiment on the different genre but just remember to balance the tone and scale. For instance, you can mix and match black and white photographs with charcoal drawings and monochromatic paintings.

    Create a collage

    Aside from putting a big and a beautiful painting on the wall, you can also consider placing and organizing smaller pieces together, especially if you have a larger wall. For example, you can hang different sizes of mirrors or other interesting objects to create an amazing collage.

    Match the design with your interior concept

    You’re advised to get softer and more classic pieces if your interior is traditional. And if your interior, on the other hand, is modern and conceptual, then you should choose arts with the same concept.

    Get ideas from magazines

    You can get good ideas or inspirations if you read and note information from décor magazines and blogs.

    Know the meaning

    You should determine and relate to the meaning behind each art piece to appreciate it for a long period of time.

    Ensure balance

    Understanding the scheme you wanted for your interior also holds some importance. Determine where each piece should go and identify if it is the right scale. Make sure that it provides the right feeling and have a good balance between its content, color, and shape.

    Be consistent

    After you decide on the theme of your interior, see to it that you’re going to be consistent with your design. It could be on grouped on different categories such as by medium, genre, artist, color, etc. Each piece in a particular place should relate to one another and altogether provides a meaningful appearance.

    Get your hands on a good art that you like

    To be more pleased with your interior, make sure to buy pieces that you actually love. Find the ones that match your personality as well and put in on a place that fits perfectly.

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  • Outsourcing in Japan

    Permanent Employment (Permit No : 13-Yu-300904)

    Tokyo Consulting Group, with its independent human resources department, constantly aims to be the best at satisfactorily matching employers and employees for its customers' outsourcing needs in Japan. We believe that the success of a company is always linked to the quality of its human resources. Tokyo Consulting Group employees are experienced with such human resources challenges, and can thus provide insightful analysis and advice to its customers. In addition to these challenges, cultural natural differences can often hinder the human resources qualities of a company. For instance, the recruitment of international staff in Asian countries might result in issues that would be unexpected for inexperienced companies. Through its extensive Asian presence and long-lasting international experience, Tokyo Consulting Group is fully equipped to proactively handle such issues. This ability has been extremely useful to our customers when starting - or planning to start - their business abroad, as it allows us to provide them with high-quality outsourcing services in Japan.

    Temporary Employment (Permit No : Han13 - 301254)

    The majority of Tokyo Consulting Group's staff, whether temporary or permanent, is highly experienced in at least accounting, taxation, or labor, in different types of industries. Moreover, all members of staff are trained as management leaders, with a strong emphasis on quality of communication skills. Our employees communicate in English daily, and are capable enough to use English in a professional context.

    In addition to introducing professional staff to companies in Japan, Tokyo Consulting Group also outsources employees in foreign countries regardless of industries. Working environments are different in every country, and it may not be an easy task for foreign companies to hire employees. Tokyo Consulting Group's outsourcing services are quality-based. Hence, both employees' and employers' needs are met with the highest levels of satisfaction that eventually leads to value creation.


    Thus, our employees are equipped with the appropriate knowledge and specialized experience that is necessary when offering outsourcing services in Japan. But most importantly, Tokyo Consulting Group is comprised of consultants who share, respect, and dedicate themselves to clients' views and objectives, thus assuring a constantly high-quality service.

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  • Cathay Dupont Award: Cathay Pacific introduces craft beer best drunk at 35,000ft

    Airline Cathay Pacific has launched Betsy Beer, the "world's first hand-crafted bottled beer" that has been brewed with consumption at 35,000ft in mind.

    Cabin pressure and altitude affects passengers’ taste buds, so the beer has been created with a ‘combination of science and traditional brewing methods’ to create a beer that is suitable for consumption in the air and on the ground.

    The name ‘Betsy’ comes from Cathay Pacific’s first aircraft, a Douglas DC-3, which flew in the 1940s and 1950s. The beer is made by Cathay Dupont Award with ingredients from the UK and Hong Kong, including ‘Dragon Eye’ fruit, New Territories sourced honey and Fuggle, a mainstay hop of British craft ales.


    Read cathay dupont award articles here...

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